Saturday, January 30, 2016

8(eight) Essential Part of Wedang Uwuh

Wedang uwuh is a drink with ingredients such as de foliage similar to the trash. In the Java language, wedang means drinks, while uwuh means trash. Wedang uwuh served hot or warm have a sense of sweet and spicy with a bright red color and scent. Spicy flavor because of ingredients ginger, while the red color because of the cup. Uwuh Wedang this is a typical drink of Yogyakarta. At first wedang uwuh still intact in the form of material in the form of a spice native, but over the times and the need for practicality, this time wedang uwuh already developed into the instant form, and the form of the dye. 
Materials and efficacy :
  1. Ginger
  2. Wood Secang
  3. Cloves, Flower, Stem and Leaf Clovers
  4. Cinnamon and Cinnamon Leaf
  5. Nutmeg and Nutmeg Leaf
  6. The Roots and Leaf of Lemongrass
  7. Cardamom
  8. Sugar Cubes

Many domestic researches reveals the efficacy of ginger is an anticoagulant (anti-clotting) to prevent blockage of blood vessels, a major cause of stroke, heart attacks are more powerful than onions or garlic, and also capable of lowering cholesterol by reducing the absorption of cholesterol in the blood and liver.

Essential oils issued rhizome of ginger is useful issuing intestinal gas and help the function of the heart, lowers blood pressure and cleanses the body through sweat, This is because ginger stimulates the release of the hormones adrenaline and widen blood vessels, resulting in blood flow faster and smoother and lighten the work of the heart to pump blood.

The study, conducted by experts in Japan also revealed that ginger can reduce high blood pressure by reducing the flow rate of peripheral blood (peripheral blood flow). Ginger also stimulates the digestive glands, either to arouse the appetite, strengthens the stomach and improves digestion.

Typical aroma of ginger, efficacious to prevent and treat nausea and vomiting, such as motion sickness or in women who are pregnant, because ginger is able to block serotonin, a chemical that can cause the stomach to contract, causing nausea.

In traditional Asian medicine, ginger is used to treat colds, coughs, diarrhea and inflammatory diseases of the joints such as arthritis. Ginger also contains antioxidants that help neutralize the damaging effects caused by free radicals in the body.

Wood Secang
This herb makes wedang uwuh red. In Yogyakarta and surrounding areas, this herb is commonly called the wooden cup (Caesalpinia sappan) has long been known as ingredients for treating various diseases, such as syphilis, coughing blood, and inflammation. Research conducted at the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta also revealed that a cup has the ability antioxidant, anticancer, improving blood circulation and eases breathing.

Cloves, Flower, Stem and Leaf clovers
Cloves have overcome the efficacy of dental pain, sinusitis, nausea and vomiting, bloating, colds, headaches, stomach ulcers, cough, delayed menstruation, rheumatism, measles, and others.

Chemical properties and the effects of pharmacological of cloves is warm, it was sharp, aromatic, efficacious as a stimulant (stimulant), antiseptic, laxative fart (carminatives), local anesthetics, relieve colic and cough medicine. Chemical content in the cloves are carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin B1, fat, protein, and eugenol.

Clove (Syzygium aromaticum) besides containing essential oils, it also contains a chemical compound called eugenol, oleanolat acid, acid galotanat, fenilin, karyofilin, resins and gums. Clove oil clove itself widely used by dentists as a painkiller.
Cinnamon and Cinnamon Leaf
Cinnamon and cinnamon leaf makes sense "wedang uwuh" is much more enjoyable also have antioxidant properties. Many herbalists believe that a mixture of ginger and cinnamon efficacious to increase endurance because of the high antioxidant content. There are several diseases that can be cured with a mixture of cinnamon: Abdominal pain, bloating, sinus headaches, fatigue, excess weight.
Nutmeg and Nutmeg Leaf
Fruit nutmeg and nutmeg with fragrance fragrant leaves this turns out to have many benefits for health. The chemical content of flavonoids, saponins and polyphenols can overcome cough phlegm, helps digestion, relieving muscle spasms, relieve pain, treat colds, insomnia (difficulty sleeping disorders), is stomakik (facilitate digestion and increase appetite), blood circulation, carminative ( facilitate flatulence), anti-emetics (nausea want to vomit because of colds), menstrual pain, rheumatism etc.

Roots and Leaf of Lemongrass
Root Lemongrass has long been used as laxative urine, sweat bullets, sputum / cough, material for mouthwash and body warmers. Leaf: used as a laxative wind stomach, appetite enhancer, postpartum treatment, fever and spasms reliever.
Cardamom contains essential oils, cineol, terpineol, borneol, proteins, sugars, fats, silicates, betakamfer, sebinena, mirkena, mirtenal, karvona, terpinil acetate, and grit. The content of cardamom has efficacy as cough medicine and to prevent bone loss.
Sugar Cubes
Sugar cubes provide a sweet taste without losing its distinctive aroma and flavor of the original ingredients wedang uwuh potion. By the people of Jogja, rock sugar has been known since long as a stubborn cough medicine. By cutting pieces of cucumber, then put rock sugar to taste in the middle of the cucumber seeds, wait until the sugar cubes melt, then melt molten rock sugar that exist in the cucumber seeds taken little by little until rock sugar solution had been discharged.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Bandrek dan Bajigur

Resep bandrek dan resep bajigur merupakan salah dua di antara aneka mimuman hangat atau wedang tradisional khas nusantara yang kaya rempah yang paling enak diminum selagi panas karena memang bertujuan untuk menghangatkan badan di saat cuaca sedang dingin.
Resep Membuat Bandrek dan Bajigur
Di dataran Sunda, seperti Bandung dan wilayah Jawa Barat lainnya, Bandrek dan Bajigur adalah dua jenis minuman panas/ hangat yang sejoli dan biasanya didagangkan bersamaan. Selain Bandung, Bandrek juga populer di Medan Sumatera Utara.

Bahan :

1000 ml air
200 gram gula merah , sisir halus
100 gram jahe bakar, memarkan
5 butir cengkeh kering
2 lembar daun pandan
5 cm kayu manis
½ sdt garam
kolang kaling, pelengkap
biasa juga ditambahlan serutan kelapa muda jika suka
Rebus air, daun pandan, gula merah, jahe, cengkeh, garam, dan kayumanis hingga mendidih dan tercium aroma yang cukup sedap. Saring.
Tambahkan kolang kaling rebus yang telah diiris dan serutan kelapa. Sajikan

Bahan :

1 liter santan dari 1 butir kelapa
150 gram gula merah, sisir halus
50 gram jahe, bakar, kupas. memarkan
4 cm kayumanis
1 sdt kopi bubuk
2 lembar daun pandan

Rebus santan dengan api kecil, masukkan jahe, gula merah, kayu manis, kopi bubuk dan daun pandan.
Masak hingga mendidih sambil diaduk-aduk supaya santan tidak pecah, angkat, saring. Sajikan.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Wedang Secang #part3

Sejarah Secang
Rempah yang satu ini terbuat dari serutan kayu pohon. Tapi sejak abad ke-17 sudah diperjual belikan berbagai negara dunia. Rempah yang satu ini sering digunakan untuk campuran minuman hangat didaerah Yogyakarta dan Jawa Tengah.

Manfaat Secang
Batang pohon secang telah lama dikenal oleh masyarakat Jawa sebagai bahan untuk membuat minuman yang disebut wedang secang. konon, wedang secang memiliki khasiat yang menyehatkan dan dianggap sebagai minuman keraton. Saat ini, parutan kayu secang banyak dijual keemasan dalam minuman atau campuran minuman bersama rempah-rempah lainya untuk meningkatkan stamina dan kesehatan.

Siapakah Aku?
Secang dikenal  dengan beberapa nama di Indonesia, seperti di Aceh disebut seupeueng, Minangkabau (lacang), Jawa dan Sunda (secang) dan berbagai wilayah lainnya yang memiliki julukan masing-masing. Di daerah lainnya seperti Jepang disebut (suou) dan Inggris (sappanwood).
Tinggi tanamanya bisa mencapai 6 meter dengan batang berbentuk silinder kecoklatan.Ku lit kayunya dapat mengeluarkan cairan kemerahan. Secang (caesalpinia sappan L) berasal  dari Asia Tenggara dan mudah ditemukan di Indonesia.
Daunnya majemuk meyirip gaanda dengan panjang 25-40 cm. Anak daun terdapat 10-20 pasang, berbentuk lonjong dengan dengan panjang 10-25 mm dan lebar 3-11 mm berwarna hijau.
Bunga tersusun majemuk berbentuk malai sepanjang 10-40 cm dan terletak diujung batang. Kelopak bunganya berjumlah lima, berwarna hijau. Benang sarinya sepanjang 15 mm dan putik 18 mm. Mahkota bunga berbentuk tabung dan berwarna kuning. Buahnya berbentuk polong dengan panjang 8-10 cm dan lebar 3-4 cm, ujungnya seperti paruh berisi 3-4  biji berwarna hitam. Biji berbentuk bulat panjang 15-18 mm dan lebar 5-7 mm.

Rasa secang sangat sedikit asam dan segar. Bahan dasar minuman ini adalah serutan kayu secang yang direbus bersama rempah lainnya seperti kapulaga, cengkih, dan kayu manis serta sedikit jahe.
"selalu ada kisah dibalik hangatnya JOGJA, panca indramu pun akan terhenyak lihat-dengar-rasakan Heritage of Masterpiece Beverage"

Kandungan yang terdapat dalam batang pohon secang antara lain penghenti pendarahan, pembersih darah, penawar racun, dan obat antiseptik . Karena tanaman ini mengandung senyawa anti bakteri dan bersifat anti koagulasi atau anti penggumpalan, maka tak heran kalo secang dapat digumakan sebagai obat diare, batuk dan dapat menyembuhkan luka. Jika sedang diare 5 gram kayu kering dipotong kecil, kemudian rebus dengan dua gelas air selama 15 menit setelah itu saring dan segera diminum.
Kayu secang juga dapat dimanfaatkan untuk pengobatan disentri, batuk darah pada TBC, muntah darah, sifilis, malaria, tetanus, tetanus, pembengkakan (tumor), dan nyeri karena ganggu sirkulasi darah. Kayunya bila direbus memberi warna merah gading. Dapat digunakan untuk pengecetan, memberi warna pada bahan anyaman, kue, minuman.

Kandungan Kimia
Zat yang terkandung dalam secang antara lain brazilin, alkaloid, falvonoid, saponin, tanin, fenil propana dan terpenoid. Selain itu juga mengandung asam galat, brasilein, delta-a phellandrene, oscimene, resin dan resorin.
Sementara daunnya mengandung minyak atsiri tidak kurang dari 0,20% yang beraromaenak dan tidak berwarna. Bagian yang digunakan untuk dijadikan minuman adalah kayunya atau batang pohonnya. Panen kayu secang dapat dilakukan mulai umur 1-2 tahun.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Wedang Secang #part2

Secang drinks or many called Wedang Secang is one of the traditional drinks which saves a lot of benefits. These drinks are not a lot of people know the benefits when these drinks can increase stamina, secang also able to overcome flatulence colds and body warmers, overcome disruptions narrowed coronary arteries and also serves to lower blood pressure so that a smooth blood circulation. So wedang secang is isotonic beverage alternatives import various brands that have been aggressively promoted. Drink when still warm, it was so delicious.

Recipes 2.
• Wood Secang 2 ounces
• Ginger 250 grams
• Kemukus 10 seeds
• Citronella 5 rods
• Cloves 10 seeds
• Keningar 20 cm
• kapulogo 10 seeds
• Sugar to taste
• Water 5 liters

How to make a cup wedang:
• Ginger peeled it clean would be great if ginger in fuel and in keprak / mashed
• Washed the Lemongrass, threshed.
• All ingredients in washing except the wooden cup
• Cook 5 liters of water, after boiling all water input into the ingredients, except the  secang wooden. wait up to 5 minutes, after which secang wooden should be input after the color changed to red, approximately 3 minutes, the drinks already finished and ready to be served.
• Can be added with sugar or honey when served.

To boil it, you should use tool boiler made of pottery made of clay for pottery can maintain the aroma of wedang secang.
Serve wedang cup in the pot soil. Guaranteed more delicious and more traditional feel.
Things to note are these drinks should not be consumed after brown. These drinks can last for 6-7 hours if not included in a refrigerator. And if you put in the freezer this drink can hold up to 24 hours
We recommend using honey as a sweetener for people with diabetes.

Informasi dan pemesanan:
PIN blackberry: 529F6DC5
Whats App: +62856 975290 87

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Wedang Secang #part1

Javalux - Heritage of Masterpiece Beverage

Wedang Secang. Another type of traditional nutritious drinks because the materials of manufacture which has benefits as an herb. Secang drinks or many call Wedang Secang This is one of the traditional drinks which saves a lot of benefits.

Benefits :

• Increase stamina.
• Overcoming flatulence.
• Coping with colds.
• Refreshing and warm the body.
• Overcoming interference narrowed coronary arteries.
• Reduces blood pressure or reduce hypertension.
• Streamlining the flow of blood.

Wedang secang is based beverages main base of the wooden cup which taken on the skin of a secang tree (Caesalpinia sappan L).

Do not worry about the red color that arises when making wedang secang, it is a normal and must arise colors like that. This beverage is similar to the color of blood red, it is characteristic that makes this drink. So, you do not worry to make the drinks on this one, because we will share secret ingredients below:

Recipe 1

• 15 grams secang
• 2 stalks lemongrass, white part, threshed.
• 100 grams of ginger, roasted
• 250 grams of sugar cubes
• 1.5 liters of water

How to make a cup wedang:

• Boil water.
• Enter the cup, lemongrass, and ginger over low heat until fragrant. Lift. Filter.
• Add sugar cubes. Serve warm.

Information and reservations:

PIN blackberry: 529F6DC5
Whats App: +62856 975290 87

Friday, January 8, 2016

Wedang Uwuh

Wedang Uwuh
Sejarah minuman tradisional Jawa memang menyimpan beragam cerita. Banyak jenis minuman tradisional yang lahir dari hasil kreativitas atau coba-coba. Minuman atau yang dalam Bahasa Jawa disebut dengan wedang, terdapat beragam jenisnya, antara lain wedang jahe, wedang ronde, wedang secang, hingga yang disebut wedang uwuh.
Dari berbagai macam jenis wedang, wedang uwuh menjadi salah satu jenis yang unik, jika dilihat dari namanya. Wedang yang dalam bahasa Jawa artinya minuman, sementara Uwuh (Oewoeh, baca : uwuh) sendiri artinya sampah.

Namun jangan salah sangka, wedang uwuh ini bukan sembarang minuman sampah, tetapi sampah yang dimaksud di sini adalah dedaunan organik, rempah, jamu-jamuan yang tentunya mengandung banyak khasiat.
Beberapa khasiat dari wedang uwuh ini, antara lain:
* Untuk menurunkan kolesterol.
* Sebagai anti oksidan.
* Menyegarkan badan.
* Menghilangkan capek-capek.
* Melancarkan aliran darah.
* Menyembuhkan dan mencegah masuk angin.
* Serta tentunya bisa menghangatkan badan.
Monggo dicoba yaaa...
Wedang Uwuh manteeeb buanget lho!